Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lemons are for Lemonade

The other day, I was having one of "those" days. You know the ones. To be honest, I'd been feeling like I was having a few of "those" days lately. Just feeling off, not quite myself, feeling a little overwhelmed with some of the every day stresses we all face. Blah!!! Later that night, Droid got an unexpected night off. He came home and we just sat and we talked. We had a wonderful evening with nothing but hanging and talking to each other. We talked all about the cruddy ways I was feeling. It was really nice and I didn't want to go to bed. I especially enjoyed the part where I made him look through magazines and pick haircuts with me ;-)

My point is, my lemonish day was made into lemonade. And things have been beautiful since. I think those lemon times in life are meant as a reminder for us to assess our choices, our lifestyles, our thoughts and patterns, everything. They are moments of great personal growth and learning. Great opportunities to take the pain, discomfort, disappointment, or whatever negative feelings you may be having, and use them as motivation to grow, improve, change and learn.

They are also amazing opportunities to bond and connect with people in our lives. Remember you can't make lemonade just out of lemons! You need to add the other ingredients! And talking with Droid was just the ingredient I needed I add. So often we try to hide away the bad ways we are feeling and pretend that everything is great. Maybe if we talked more often, asked for help and really connected, we could all make a little more lemonade.

I don't actually think this blog makes any sense, I just know that after that night I got the saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" stuck in my head. Which is basically what I'm trying to say. Or maybe I'm just trying to say I'm thirsty.


  1. Love you:). Sounds like your thirst has been quenched. I am happy for you.

  2. Thanks baby cakes! I love you more! ;-)

    For the record people, at the end, I meant like maybe I just literally need a glass of lemonade. Like, literally.
