Friday, June 17, 2011

My secret evil pet peeve...

I am a pretty laid back person. It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers. Well, if I had feathers, it would take a lot to ruffle them. But there is one secret pet peeve that I have kept from the world. One thing that drives me absolutely bat doo crazy.

Eating sounds.

I cannot stand eating sounds.

Someone in my house is eating cereal right now. I am not naming names. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. OMG I am going to lose my mind.

It's funny, I don't think I really notice these sounds at social gatherings etc., but at home, in a quiet house, whoa. And the crazy part is, I would literally take a bullet for these people, I love them more then anything, and I love everything about them! Everything! Except the eating sounds. Those make me want to rip my own ears off and stuff them in my pocket until everyone is done eating.

So........Anybody want to come over for dinner? Maybe have a lunch date? Pretty sure I've just isolated myself. Maybe secret evil pet peeves are not meant for sharing. Especially when it involves something humans have to do to survive. I probably should have just invested in some ear plugs.


  1. Scary! I think I am eating every time o am talking to you. Oops!

  2. Haha! so true! however, don't worry, I am never bothered by your eating sounds..we are usually being too loud for me to hear them ; ) xoxo

  3. My hubby has the SAME pet peeve. Sometimes I'll take a bite of a pretzel when I'm on the phone with him just to tease him. :)
