Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Beauty of Children...

So, as many of you know, I have been taking an online course this summer. It is a pretty intense course, that normally runs for three months, but because it is during the summer, the same course load is all slammed into one month. Needless to say, it has been consuming me and keeping me pretty overwhelmed.

During this month, I have been living off a diet of coffee, and whatever I can eat while I sit down at my computer, and doesn't take me too long to grab from the kitchen so I can get back to work. For example, yesterday I ate a box of these:

My nights have ranged from about 1am (on a good night) to 4 am (clearly on a bad night). Then up with the munchkins at about 6 am. So I am sure you can imagine what my mood has been like. 

Poor diet+no sleep+lots of stress+big to do list+no time to shower= 

Yes. That is what I look like now. Just be thankful you can't smell me. However, this post is not to make you afraid of me, or feel bad for me. But today I was struck by something powerful (And no, it wasn't my smell).

No matter how grumpy, smelly, tired, stressed or overwhelmed I have been, there has been one powerful constant in my life. The unconditional love of my babies (Droid has been pretty great too, but this post is not titled The Beauty of Droid...maybe some day). They have been patient, forgiving, loving, supportive.   They have given me nothing but love, and wanted only the same in return. They don't care what my problem is, they just want to love me, and feel it in return. 

I was just thinking this evening how amazing children are.They are born only wanting to give, receive and feel love. That's all. That's how it all starts. I am always so devastated when I hear those horrible stories of horrible things happening to children. All I can think is, all they wanted was love. And how can you look at those perfect, tiny, trusting faces and not give it to them. 

Not a day goes by that I don't realize what a blessed, and lucky momma I am. My babies are empathetic, kind, helpful, funny, good to each other, good to me, good to others, good listeners, and, I really could go on and on about all the ways they make me proud. I just want to make sure that I sustain that natural, unconditional love they have been born with. I just want to make sure they know that no matter what might be popping up in our lives at that time, they are what guides me, and inspires me. Nothing motivates me more then to look in their eyes, or the feel of them wrapping their perfect arms around me. That is all it takes to remind me to do my best to make this existence we share together as beautiful, peaceful, and loving as possible. Thank you, Aidan, Dani and Owen. XOXOXO

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Random List Monday #2!

1.) Ha! You thought I forgot didn't you?! Actually, you probably forgot about this, and I am the only one that didn't. And, technically it's Tuesday. Whatevs. As the old saying goes, it's Monday somewhere.

2.) This summer I seem to think I work for National Geographic. Or the bird paparazzi. I can't stop watching these baby birds in our back yard, and I have taken billions of pictures! The best part of having baby birds in the backyard is how protective the parents get when our dog, Jo, goes out. They totally dive bomb her to warn her not to mess with them. They fly right at her, and turn away at the last moment. Repeatedly. It is hilarious. And it's quite impressive. I am going to have to practice my dive bombing if I really want to do my job as a parent properly.

3.) If you take online courses, your rear will grow proportionately to the amount of knowledge your brain gains. I have been on the couch, staring at my computer for almost all of the last 24 hours. Maybe it will help me get glasses? (not because my rear is growing, but because of the staring at the computer part. Here's hoping!)

4.) I love rain. I can honestly say I have never been sick of it. But, sometimes I pretend I am in random conversations with people complaining about the rain because I know that otherwise I might be stoned to death. (I pretend I am sick of rain while in random conversations. I don't pretend I am in a random conversation. Well, I am sort of doing that right now actually, so read that whichever way you wish).

5.) Why do words sound so magical coming out of a 2 year olds mouth? When playing hide and seek with Owen, he runs into the room and says "Where Momma go, Bubba?" (Bubba is Aidan's nickname) I would hide over and over a thousand times just to hear him say this.

6. ) You know what is cool? Cutting you hair. You know what is not? Growing it out. Unless you do it in the summer and constantly wear baseball hats and bandanas. That has been my approach.

7.) I don't think I would be able to donate blood right now. I am pretty sure no one else in the world has the blood type "coffee".

Monday, July 18, 2011

Random List Monday!

I decided I am going to do random lists on Mondays. Some strange random collection of things/thoughts. Who knows what will be on the list, or if it will make any sense, or how long it will last. But whatever, I'm doing it.

So please welcome, Random List Monday #1!

1. Current favourite song - Shake It by Metro Station. Love it! It is making everything better- my workouts, my mood, etc. I even have a music video planned out, that I would totally pitch to them, but they already have a video. I would blog about it, but... all I will say is it involves Alex Pettyfer, and it would make an awesome music video.

2. Speaking of Alex Pettyfer, you should totally check out the movie "I Am Number Four". Good stuff. Hey, I guess if things are relating to each other, this list isn't so random.

3. Omg. Droid reads very slow. You would think with all that practice he would read quite fast. Nope. Apparently it's not like training for a marathon. (He was reading something for me when I came up with this thought for my list).

4. Speaking of books, even though I like my Kindle, there is nothing like the feel of a good old fashioned book in my hands.

5. Are you still wondering who Alex Pettyfer is? This guy. Just saying. He would probably be cool in a music video.

6. This momma bird built her nest on our back fence, and today we could see her feeding the babies for the first time! Very cool.

7. It s a bad sign that I am still drinking coffee at 11pm so I can stay up and get some work done. And I'm blogging. But, that is the bonus of the random list! I started it on the weekend! And now it is done.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Weirdest Habit Ever...

As you may or may not know, Droid and I love to cuddle and sleep with our kiddos. Everyone has their own bed, but all beds are not always being used. And you can expect to find any combination of people in the beds at different times. I have said a number of times that we should just convert our master bedroom into a big giant mattress. There is just something so peaceful, comforting and bonding about being in such a peaceful, vulnerable state together.

At least until Dani came along. Sleeping with Dani is a lot like signing up to be in a UFC fight while you are in a coma. She kicks. She hits. She pushes. And she has had some of the weirdest sleep habits ever.  As a baby, she used to fall asleep with her hand in my mouth, holding onto my teeth. I don't even know how that ever started, but it's true.

But, as odd as that was, it didn't compare to what came next.

There you are, snuggled against your tiny, sweet little daughter. All quiet and peaceful. You roll over with your back to this little angel, and the next thing you know, she starts jamming her feet down the back of your pants! She tries to use your crack as a foot warmer! And when I say jams, I mean jams! This is not a gentle thing. It is abusive and weird!

But it gets even weirder. Owen now does the same thing!?! Who knew using cracks as a foot warmer was a genetic trait?! Granted, he isn't as abusive about it as Dani is.

I used to think it must be nice as a momma Kangaroo to have a safe little pouch to tuck your babies into for safe keeping. But not so much anymore.
Yeah, she was sleeping like that. 

holy guacamole...

Wow, man. Things really go downhill when the boss is down and out. I am not feeling so hot today and haven't moved from my couch much. The kids are in pyjama's and have eaten approximately 37 ego waffles, 15 granola bars, popcorn, and chocolate milk. There are no cushions left on any of the couches (except the one I am on), and my carpet is now made of popcorn bits. (I'm sure Droid would say "What's new?" and he would mostly be telling the truth). At least I have deleted about 400 emails, that's productive right?  Oops, Owen just wrote on his face with a pen.

Otherwise, I don't really have much to say. One day I will get back to blogging it up. I have a few blogs, but they have only been written in my head, and I haven't figured out how to share it that way yet. There has to be some machine that can interpret the messages your brain waves are sending and type it up, right?! I should get on that....

At least they still look cute!