Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Random List Monday #2!

1.) Ha! You thought I forgot didn't you?! Actually, you probably forgot about this, and I am the only one that didn't. And, technically it's Tuesday. Whatevs. As the old saying goes, it's Monday somewhere.

2.) This summer I seem to think I work for National Geographic. Or the bird paparazzi. I can't stop watching these baby birds in our back yard, and I have taken billions of pictures! The best part of having baby birds in the backyard is how protective the parents get when our dog, Jo, goes out. They totally dive bomb her to warn her not to mess with them. They fly right at her, and turn away at the last moment. Repeatedly. It is hilarious. And it's quite impressive. I am going to have to practice my dive bombing if I really want to do my job as a parent properly.

3.) If you take online courses, your rear will grow proportionately to the amount of knowledge your brain gains. I have been on the couch, staring at my computer for almost all of the last 24 hours. Maybe it will help me get glasses? (not because my rear is growing, but because of the staring at the computer part. Here's hoping!)

4.) I love rain. I can honestly say I have never been sick of it. But, sometimes I pretend I am in random conversations with people complaining about the rain because I know that otherwise I might be stoned to death. (I pretend I am sick of rain while in random conversations. I don't pretend I am in a random conversation. Well, I am sort of doing that right now actually, so read that whichever way you wish).

5.) Why do words sound so magical coming out of a 2 year olds mouth? When playing hide and seek with Owen, he runs into the room and says "Where Momma go, Bubba?" (Bubba is Aidan's nickname) I would hide over and over a thousand times just to hear him say this.

6. ) You know what is cool? Cutting you hair. You know what is not? Growing it out. Unless you do it in the summer and constantly wear baseball hats and bandanas. That has been my approach.

7.) I don't think I would be able to donate blood right now. I am pretty sure no one else in the world has the blood type "coffee".