Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ok wait, I got something!

I swear to the universe, I am going to write a Parenting book and it is only going to have one chapter, and one sentence. Here is an excerpt from my future book, free for all you blog faces (ok, it's the whole book, whatevs. Saves me actually having to find a publisher).

Chapter 1: Get a Dog

Seriously, get a dog. 

That's pretty much all my book needs to say. I can not even begin to tell you the amount of time my dog, Jo, has saved me. In terms of clean up I mean, it's not like she changes diapers or anything. But with the clean up, holy moly, I should rename her Molly Maid!! Especially with our youngest, Owen. Between his amazing arm, and the frequency, intensity and joy he gets out of chucking his food across my house, I can't decide if he is going to be the next John Elway (shout out Colorado!), or an amazing splatter paint artist. I don't care which one he turns out to be, as long as he uses his first paycheck to buy me new carpet (or better yet, hardwood floors).

Anyways, poor Jo has really taken one for the team. She used to be an amazing, slim, super Frisbee catching dog, but with each child, she has gained a few pounds due to her new clean up duty. I fear that after Owen, she might not be able to walk anymore. 

making sure there are no crumbs on their faces.

Ya, she can NOT fit in that bed anymore.

making sure this foreign object does not need to be cleaned up.

ok, sorry, how could I not put this here, it's adorable!

she even picks up Easter eggs for us! That is dedication.

She can barely get up or down these stairs now, so she definitely wouldn't be stopping on them!

Whoa, cake clean up overload!

Now she's a sell out. She naps with cats. And, for the record, that is just a doll she is smothering, not one of the children.


  1. Jo is AWESOME!!

    Flash back to an Easter at Lake Powell and your dog, maybe Pedro?, following the Easter Bunny around eating Easter eggs!! hahahahaha!!

  2. awwww!! I know you love Jo and she loves you!!! I like that you have met my dog :)

    Yep!! That was totally pedro!! The funny thing about Jo and the easter eggs, she doesn't eat them, just totally hunts them too!

  3. Not only get a dog. Get Tron's dog. If anyone in America is looking to adopt a dog please contact Tron.

  4. I reacted "Lame to the max"...just so there was no guessing on your part...!

  5. Oh, I knew it was you already!!! even before I saw this!!!!! even before I saw your other rude comment!!!!!! Just goes to show how well I know you, brother in law.

    So, I guess since you are a dog hater, you wouldn't want to adopt Tron's blog? I mean dog. Her blog is not up for adoption.

    Besides, you cheated. Your parenting book would say sell your house so you don't have to clean it. Brilliant, but still cheating.
