Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I have a confession to make...

I want glasses. I have wanted glasses my whole life. Just ask my friends whose glasses I used to borrow to wear all day in hopes of ruining my eyes so I would need my very own pair. I don't know why I like glasses so much. They just look so stylish, and studious. They go hand in hand with books, and I love books. I have always had great vision, which stinks when you want glasses. I was so happy last year at my eye check up when the doc said I had a very small prescription (or whatever they call it) in one eye. Now I can feel the difference between my eyes. The doc said it wasn't quite enough to get glasses yet, but maybe soon. So keep your fingers crossed for me!


  1. Sucks for you. I have prescription glasses. Love, Tron

  2. I used to sit around all day and wish for diabetes. Be careful what you wish for.

  3. Sorry that I laughed out loud at that, Tys.
