Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You know what the best thing is about winter?

The fact that I can go pretty much anywhere in my pajamas. Seriously. My coat is fairly long so you can't see much. Okay, so my pants are very obviously pajama pants, but you can't see all of them, so who cares?! Not me, and that is really all that matters. I went all over shopping today in my pajamas. I was going to post a picture for you, but since my blog is still new, I want you to think I look like a cool officer all the time, so I'll wait a bit before I start posting horrible pictures.

You know what is the bad thing about winter? I always forget my gloves. My hands are trashed because I don't take very good care of them. Seriously, I could have been a hand model at one point, but not now because they are so trashed.

1 comment:

  1. Why wear pajamas? if your coat is so long why bother with pants at all??
    You can't pick your nose with gloves......I prefer gloveless.
