Friday, December 31, 2010

Feel the magic, Blog Faces!!!

Aww, New Year's Eve...Can't you just feel the magic in the air?!! The hope, the reflection, the dreams, the potential, the goals, the certainty that everything will be better. It is pretty stinking magical, people!!!!!! Soak it up!!! It feels like tomorrow I could be anything I wanted! A Prima Ballerina, America's Next Top Model, The Fonz! It's all possible right now!

I know some people are not big on New Years resolutions, but I am totally all for reflecting and bettering oneself at any time of the year. And hey, even if it just lasts one week, well at least you were a better person for one whole week!!! Besides, what better time to reflect, then during holidays when we are all focused on love, family and peace! (well we should be, and if you are not, I need to rearrange your tude!! as in attitude!)

The great thing is, this magic is possible all year round. We just have to harness it, take control, make some decisions, and take some actions. Don't forget home skillets, you can make it happen it you want to!

This year, my resolution is to be more like The Fonz. That dude is cool.

I am totally going to start using the washroom at work for my office and I am only going to wear white T-shirts and leather jackets from now on.

But if you see me, and my Fonz is more like this:
Well, don't make fun of me. I am just making it my own.

So go harness the magic, fools!!!! And make sure you don't start the new year by hugging a toilet. That feels like a bad omen.

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