Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This is important...

There is something we all went through together that we really need to discuss. Yes, I am talking about the Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch incident.
A lot of people went crazy over how ridiculous it was for Tom to do that. And I say "What the What, people?!!"

All old Tommy boy was doing was being excited, happy, and in love! He was being impulsive and crazy, acting different and living life! I say good for you, Tom! Jump on that couch, cowboy!! Hey, no matter what, now you hold the record for being the only dude to jump on Oprah's couch!

I have more of a problem with the fact that people around the world acted so negatively about it. Really??? We are all going to be that negative over a dude jumping on a couch!! Even if you thought it was dumb, did there really need to be so much negative energy out there?? Why are we so quick to criticize each other for doing something a little different then the norm? We are too hard on each other. We shouldn't feel afraid to show our feelings because of how people will think/talk about us. We shouldn't have to doubt our every move because we are afraid of being judged.

I was disappointed when Tom sort of apologized for that. I wanted him to own it and be proud! I wanted him to say "Dudes, I jumped on a couch, get over it." I say, own your crazy people! Don't be afraid to be you and show how you feel! Especially when it is good, happy feelings! I am going to remain super proud after the day I am on Oprah and I sit on her lap.


  1. I'm going to sit on her lap so I can say "I am literally ON Oprah."

  2. Although I understand and agree with your point, I cannot connect with your example. 1. I didn't see the incident 2. I take issue with this man in general. He creeps me the crap out. From the picture, it looks like he was just trying to be a bit taller? (oh yeah, I went there). Seriously dude creeps me out and I don't know why. Get the SAME feeling I used to get whenever I saw any of my stalker ex-boyfriends during a stalking incident. EWEEEEE!!!

    But - on your point, I agree. I think negative comments are necessary though. To me, the more people fiercely oppose something I do, the more I know it's right! :) Which is weird that so many people are actually on board with what we're about to do LOL!!
