Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Okay, I learned my lesson..

Alright, so I learned my lesson. Apparently it is cool to blog about Miley Cyrus, but NOT COOL to blog about Tom Cruise. Tron blogged about Miley (read it here), and it was a big hit. My Tom Cruise blog... not so much. I guess Miley could probably pull off the jumping on Oprah's couch bit then.

The lesson here, is that if you are at all somewhat creepy to a large number of people, you probably shouldn't attempt to jump on people's couches in public. I'm not sure about random couches in department stores though, those might be okay.

*Disclaimer- this blog is not at all saying that the author feels that Tom Cruise is creepy. Just that some other people do. So if you are a follower of  L. Ron Hubbard, or if you are Tom Cruise himself please don't be mad at me. And I hope I am not hurting anyone's feelings.  Please know that even if you are sorta creepy to people and you jump on any couches, I will probably still cheer you on.

Tom is not happy about this.

                                        Miley thinks it's pretty funny.

1 comment:

  1. Tron thinks it is pretty funny too! Your blog is getting pretty fancy. If I weren't so scared I would give you my password so that you could give it a make over.
