Sunday, March 6, 2011

Idiot Rehab...

I've been thinking a lot about growing up lately. I think I might need to do a little bit of it. It's hard work, growing up, when you are a retired class clown. How do you grow up without losing that bit of you that really makes you who you are? Someone who enjoys acting like a ninny just to hear people laugh, someone who says things they don't actually believe at all, simply for the love of sarcasm. And would people even know how to relate to me any more, if I was all serious and calm? What if I'm no good to have around, if I'm not making up some jokes??? This blog would obviously have to come to an end! I mean, no one wants to hear me get all inspirational. People would probably just think I was depressed.

I guess like most things in life, it's about finding balance. I've been feeling like a Charlie Sheen lately. Minus the ladies, the money and the illegal substances. At least sarcasm is legal. But sometimes, I feel like the pathetic part of Charlie Sheen. You go along all funny and sarcastic, people laughing, it's a good time. But eventually it gets carried away. And you go all sarcastic at inappropriate times, start having trouble turning it off and focusing on important things like making meals for your family.

But, unlike Charlie Sheen, I also have a horrible guilty conscious. So then I spend way too much time feeling rotten about being sarcastic all over the place, and the need to over explain is ridiculous. Self doubt...ugh. It's like a hangover. So then the cycle starts all over, in order to chase away those bad feelings.

I think my ninny self has come out a lot stronger since my Dad passed away. Well, I mean not immediately, I wasn't making jokes at his Celebration of Life or anything. But I think once the time came that I was expected to be over my grief. No one ever says you have to be over it, you just start to realize you have to move forward. And like most addicts, you use the funny to cover up the sad. To not face that music. This is not at all a conscious effort, and I'm just throwing out some thoughts here. Or maybe like a true addict, I am just throwing out excuses. 

So my fake glasses were my first attempt at idiot rehab. Look smart, play the part? nope.

I don't know what's next. Hopefully I don't have to move to Timbuktu and start all fresh. I think this idiot rehab stuff is pretty new. But if I don't post as many smartypants comments on your facebook wall, or if I don't smack you in the arm when I see you, don't worry, I'm not depressed, I'm just trying to grow up a bit. And it will probably only last a moment anyways, before I am back to my dumbhole ways. It might just be the way I am, and I am going to have to embrace that and find the balance.

ps. no matter what, I am keeping the fake glasses. I am in love with them.


  1. I hear Timbuktu is nice this time of year. Just make sure you clean the damn kitchen before you go!!!!

  2. thanks for You do realize if I go to Timbuktu, you would have to go with me right? you signed a deal.

  3. I feel extremely fortunate because I have been lucky enough to get to see all of the peices of you that make up the beautiful person that you are. Love you.

  4. Yes, you are one of the few people that knows I am not all idiot, all the time. You make me feel good about all the pieces of me, even the ninny. Especially the ninny, actually. That's what therapists/BFF's are for :) I love you, Momma Bear.

  5. Miss Brenda, you have been cracking me up our entire lives! You are your father's daughter & you better not ever change!! There is a fence with Dylan's name on it somewhere out there and you have a legacy to carry on! Love you!! xoxox

  6. Don't knock yourself Brenda, your sense of humour is a sign of strength in the face of pain. You're obviously a smart and hard-working responsible and grown-up chick who deals with emotional pain in a healthy way - what are you gonna do, drugs?!

  7. p.s. Stop with the idiot talk. Your talking smack about my best friend.

  8. Idiot savant, maybe?

    Wow, thanks for the virtual B slap, homies!

    You are right, Strantzas. I don't want to go down that road.

    Nik, the fact that you are willing to let me push your son over a fence in the name of humour and family, how could I turn my back on that??

    Fran, I'm bringing a sleeping bag and my jammies on the 13th, girlfriend, cause we need some girl time. I am so into you.

    *phew* I feel refreshed and ready to go make a new round of rude comments!

    Thanks for the love, peeps! xoxoxoxoxo

  9. I'm going to get serious. This is my opinion... coming from a fellow jerk. We all have strong suits... you and I happen to have a strong suit of making people laugh with Sarcasm. Our strong suits work for us, and often times they work for other people, too. Also, we developed our strong suits out of some instance when we thought "something is wrong here," and they seemed to fix the problem. Thing is, they can limit how we can be- it's like our only choice is our strong suit, so when a situation calls for something other than the strong suit, it gets weird, because we're doing what we're good at, but it isn't appropriate for the situation. But I think the real issue can come when we think that we are our strong suit. So the trick is to get to a place where you can choose when to use it, rather than it running you. Because let's face it, it would be a bummer if people everywhere stopped doing what they were good at... but it would be cool if we only did it when we wanted to, rather than always feeling like we have to. Maybe that's growing up... not disowning it, but realizing we don't have to be it, and in fact we'd still be pretty cool without it... and then be a sarcastic jerk know that. :)

  10. beautifully said, Tyson. That is pretty much what I was trying to say, you just said it better. Show off. That maybe I just need to be better at turning it off *sometimes* Not that I don't know when to turn it off, just that maybe I was indulging a little too much lately? I don't need to rely on it, all the time, that it doesn't define who I am. Well, whatever you said, that's what I meant.

    That was what I meant a few days ago, anyways. But I'm over it now, so you are "Tardy to the Party", fool. Now I harass old ladies. That's my new strong suit. Litter Bug Vigilante. Do you litter, by chance? Cause you're pretty much an old lady.

    ps. whenever I want to be serious, do I have to use a disclaimer, as you did "I'm going to get serious"? Just making sure I know.

  11. I love you just the way you are! Growing up is way overrated.....

    Jes Panozzo(Rich)

  12. You are the best, baby cakes :) true that!
    :) xoxoxo
