Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fran and Simon...

This past weekend, I did something pretty radical. I hung out with a dude who is pretty much famous.

Meet Simon.
He is a published author, and has even been published in the same works as Stephen King. Serious business, right?? I won't mention his work here because I doubt he wants to be fully associated with my blog. You can tell by the face he made when I said I was taking a picture for my blog. Pretty sure I caught him mid eye roll. Besides, all that really matters right now is that I know a dude who is pretty much famous.

Droid and Simon have been friends since high school. They share similar interests of reading, writing and watching certain types of films (notice how I made them sound smarter by using the word films instead of movies?) Back in the day when I first moved up to Canada, Droid, Simon and I used to hang out at coffee shops and discuss the latest episode of Buffy The Vampire slayer. Shoot. This post is supposed to make you realize how cool I am for knowing someone famous. I'm giving away too much info that is having the opposite effect. Back to the point...

You can tell Simon is famous by his trophy wife, Fran. Forget all of Simon's other accomplishments, landing Fran is the one that impresses me the most. This girl is trophy wife supreme. In addition to her hotness, she cooks, installs baseboards, paints, kinda plays the piano, wears cool glasses, is HILARIOUS (but not more funny then you Simon, don't worry), and full of compassion. I've only met Fran about 3 times now, but I could go on and on about this girl. Seriously. I love her.

You can see I made another friend at Fran and Simon's house. I never did get her name, but she was very nice to me. Probably a little too nice, to be honest.

Regardless, you can tell by this photo of Fran and Simon, caught on my hidden phone camera, that I still brought intriguing conversation to the table. They look completely delighted to have me for company.

Obviously, Droid was there too. You can see how the two ladies really get along. Seriously, they are crossing their legs more politely then a lady in a pencil skirt! Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Fran, one else may actually care about this post, but I do. Because you rocked my world this weekend. I had a blast, and the world needed to know it.


  1. I'm glad you have a mind like a steel trap - it really helps you to remember all of my skills and talents. I like that a lot! I don't know about Simon, but I'm feeling like a special person having a blog dedicated to our hang out. Awesome.

  2. Considering Simon just called me Dear lord almighty, I'd say he is feeling the same way! ;-)

    My mind has nothing to do with it Fran, it's just that you are THAT good!!

