Thursday, December 30, 2010

Now that is just messed up...

So, many of you know my husband Droid, but some of you do not. Let me give you a little info about Droid.

He loves all things scary, gruesome, evil, horrible (no comments about why he loves me, people!!) He loves Horror movies, books, etc. Sometimes he makes me watch some of this stuff with him to show him how much I love him, but sometimes I put my foot down and say no way. I wish I'd put my foot down on Paranormal Activity. I haven't been able to sleep the same since. But I tell you what, there is NO WAY I am watching Paranormal Activity 2.  It involves a baby and a dog!! One, I rely heavily on our dog, Jo, to let me know if there is a problem. And two, I am not kidding, sometimes at night if I hear a strange noise coming from the kids room, I honest to god have a moment where I think "what if there is a horrible, evil poltergeist in there?!!"

Which leads me to my actual point on this blog post. To show you how messed up Droid and his obsession have made me.

I recently bought these pajamas for Owen. 

Cute right?!!

Well, my first thought when picking these out was, "he will look super cute in the blue and red stripes!"

But my second thought was, " and Daddy will like them because they will remind him of Freddy Krueger."


I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little bit afraid when I put him to bed at night in these jammies.

Now that is just messed up...


  1. Tell Droid I was Freddie Cruegar for Halloween in elementary school. That is messed up. If my daughter asked me to be Freddie it would make me freak the freak out. Maybe that is why Droid and I are such good mates. Is mate Canadian for friend? If not, such groovy pals!

  2. That is even more messed up. Why am I surrounded by people who are messing me up?!!

  3. By the way, that's Australia you're thinking of, but Canada and Australia are pretty much the same. We both have kangaroos randomly jumping around, and koalas in all our trees. So we should probably start using mate up here all the time too. I'm gonna start that.
