Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hall-O-Weenies and the coolest thing ever.

Don't worry, this is not a post about a hall full of weenies. And it's not about a hall. Or about weenies. But it IS about Halloween. And it is about the coolest thing that ever happened.

There are no words for my love of Halloween. The season of Fall, co-mingled with the candy, and the spooks, creates the perfect atmosphere. Growing up I used to have frequent dreams about Halloween. The romantic in me thinks that my love of Halloween, and my reoccurring Halloween dreams were a sign of things to come. A premonition of my soulmate, Droid, who was born on Halloween.  The realist and the sweet tooth (which is actually all of my teeth) inside me say, "Hi. Free candy. Need we say more?"

I can't get enough of Halloween movies, TV specials, soundtracks, or decorations. I just want to close my eyes and absorb all of the Halloweenie-ness in. A crisp Fall breeze, grey rolling clouds, coloured leaves blowing across the grass....LOVE. IT. Come to think of it, it sounds like I love Halloween so much, maybe it is the other way around and I married Droid, with a birthday on Halloween, so I could be closer to Halloween?!

Anyways, this background Halloween love festival information is important for you to understand why I thought what happened to me the other day was the coolest thing to ever happen.

The kids and I, with the help of some neighbour kids, decorated the front of the house for Halloween. Tombstones in the garden, floating ghosts on tree branches and plant hangers, random skulls and rats, hanging pumpkin lights, and a creepy old scarecrow guy sitting in the front.You know, the usual.

Fast forward a few days, and I am getting ready for work that morning, and Dani comes upstairs asking me about the Mummy in the front yard. I'm not sure what she is talking about, because we didn't put any mummies up. I know she knows what a mummy is, so I'm confused as to what she could be mixing up with a mummy. Believe me, with Droid as their Daddy, my kids know their monsters!

She just keeps referring to the mummy, and I am getting frustrated because I am like, "We did not put up a mummy!" So I say to Dani, "Show me."

She takes me downstairs, we open up the blinds, and sure enough. Standing there, on our front porch, is a MUMMY!!! Creeped me right out!

And then I notice other additions to our yard! a headless guy holding a lantern, an extra tombstone, a large skeleton! Holy Smack! Someone totally added to our decorations through the night!

I have asked everyone that is a possible suspect. I have no idea who it was. All I know is they are the coolest person ever. And now I want to do it to people. It is like the perfect version of pay it forward!

So if you wake up one crisp fall morning, to a yard full of Halloween spooks, you know I essentially just left you a love note!


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