Monday, August 8, 2011

Random List Monday #3!

1. So today I had my yearly eye exam.....and, drum roll please.....after the eye exam the optometrist said I need glasses for reading and when using the computer! If you know me, or if you've read my previous blog post, you know this is something I am quite happy about!! Seriously, my whole life, wanted glasses. Now I know, in a few months I am sure I will be posting about how I have learned my lesson about being careful what you wish for, but for now, I am basking in the excitement of waiting for my new glasses to arrive! I am resisting the urge to buy 10 different styles of glasses to go with my various moods/outfits.

2. Today I have been thinking that life is really like a book. Sometimes certain chapters of our lives close, and we have to move on to the next. Sometimes you don't want the chapter to end, sometimes you are relieved. Different chapters bring different emotions. Now matter how you feel about the chapter, or how you feel about moving on, the chapter is always there to add to the story. It is always there to reflect on, grow from, and is always a part of the building story. Apparently my book is about cheese. (Get it? I'm being pretty cheesy.....but it's still true!)

3. We can not get enough of the movie Tangled in our house! Love it! We were lucky to go to a screening of it just before it came out, then Boogie bought it for us on DVD. We have watched it too many times to count!

4. Today I saw something horrible, that I can't get out of my mind. I don't know if I will ever be able to eat again because every time I try, I get that image in my head. I won't go into the details, but I will say it involved a dead mouse in my garage. ugh. Good thing I didn't have my glasses then. I did not need to see that more clearly.

5. Um, I don't really have anything else to say, but I don't want to end on that. Oh! Okay, got something! So...finally this week we started playing Angry Birds. I am working hard to make sure it does not become as addicting for me as Plants Vs Zombies. But maybe I will go play some now to get that nasty image out of my head.

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